
Multidisciplinary Professional: Computer Engineer and Sustainability Specialist

With a Master's Degree in Leadership and Sustainability and over 15 years of experience in environmental protection projects, I have honed my knowledge of sustainable guidelines and innovative initiatives. My experience includes working with the AlpesAndes NGO, the United Nations, and the Municipality of Eysins, Switzerland. 
As a former United Nations civil servant, I deeply understand SDGs issues and remain committed to addressing them. As an elected Municipal in the commune of Eysins, I am responsible for sustainable development and ensure that all improvements related to sustainable urban lighting, renewable energy, loss of biodiversity, and new construction areas adhere to cantonal and federal regulations. 
Furthermore, as a board member of AdCV, responsible for social affairs and sustainable development, I work collaboratively with authorities and stakeholders to promote and develop these important subjects at the canton level. My background as a computer engineer, specialising in database management, business intelligence, and statistics, perfectly complements my work in sustainability.